This technique comes from the 35 mm film camera and it is one of the very good tricks you can learn and master. Exposure lock is almost always achieved by just low press on the shutter then release, you will feel of the responding of the camera (not to let’s the shutter and take the picture)
The example of the processes of locking exposure when take a picture:
1. Slightly Press on shutter when you feel its response depress slightly, the camera will auto focus, lens locks the current subject
into sharp focus and the exposure is measured and locked.
2. When you ready more press to the shutter for take pictures. The camera then takes the picture and saves it to memory.
However, may be difference way to use exposure lock on difference camera you should study on its manual and sometime the budget camera or compact did not have this option.
Several people tell that a magic of exposure lock is that the light at where you lock exposure in will be used as the light for the picture you take after lock-in. For instance, If you lock-in the exposure from the white A4 then you continue take the picture of your blue bag the camera will use that “locked-in” exposure information regardless of where you later point the camera.
Exposure lock is a great tool for telling the camera that you’d like to take a picture with the exposure data from one specific part of the scene. Imagine, for instance, a scene like the one in the Color Insert. If we have a boy at the beach, standing in the water at sunset. The image can be dramatic, but only if exposed properly. We’d like to capture the overall dark tones inherent in a sunset scene, with exciting splashes of color to light up the subject in a subtle way. Just pointing the camera at the scene might result in the camera averaging the bright and dark bits of the picture, generating an image that might as well have been captured at midday. That would be quite ordinary and not at all what we want. Instead of taking the average picture, Try to lock the exposure you want before take to photograph. You can lock the exposure by any of exposure meter (Centre, Matrix or spot)
July 12, 2007