July 05, 2007

Before buy a digital camera

Source 1: Reference: John Axelberg http://www.ma-electronics.com/

First some questions that you have to get answer to:
What will I use the camera for? Shall I just take party pictures or serious landscape pictures?
Witch size do I want big tiny or regular?

Do I really have the best digital camera that cost thousands of dollars? When you have answered these questions you have an idea what digital camera that fits your needs.
Now we suggest: 5 most important things when choosing a digital camera:

1. Look at the megapixels it’s important to have 6mp+ if you want regular pictures too look great.
2. What is the respond time for the camera? The time it takes to take the picture. This is really important when you want to capture the moment.
3. The size of the camera is also important. If you will have it like all day camera don’t buy the fancy big camera with all the best futures. Buy a small one that suits your needs. You don’t need the best camera if you just shall take some all day pictures or party pictures.
4. Look at the LCD screen so it has a good resolution and so the pictures look good on that. If you don’t have that it’s really hard to see if you have taken a good picture or not.
5. Source the field and take a look at different cameras before deciding with to buy.

This was some great advice that you should take with you when you will buy your digital camera. Just think about this you will take so many funny pictures with it so you want a great camera!

Source 2: How to do everything with your digital camera (Mc Graw Hill)

When you’re shopping for a digital camera, make a checklist of the features and capabilities you want based on these criteria:
Decide how large your finished images need to be, and look for cameras that can take pictures in the appropriate “mega-pixel” range.
Consider the lens quality, optical zoom range, and the possibility of
adding lenses or filters for more capabilities.
Consider the flash range and special features like red eye reduction. For
serious flash photography, look for cameras that accept external flash units.
Special effects
If you want goodies like movie modes or panoramic capture, worry about that after the essentials are out of the way.
Transfer mechanism
One last issue to consider is how the camera transfers images to the PC—this is a convenience issue.

From both sources tell you in the overview details that you should know or inform before buying the camera. Before you will buy anything or digital camera as well you need to have the very good consider for your money so please find more information before buy it !! and the ways to find information are several for example, Surf in Internet , Go to camera shop and ask or read from a camera related magazines and books etc.

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